Scene: The Godfather standing at the kitchen door wearing his pink biohazard suit, his white rubber Prada boots, a bottle of Lysol disinfectant spray in one hand and his Channel bag on the other. His usual long blond wig covered by a Hermes scarf.
- Vito!
- Yes godfather?!
- Where are you going, you pig!?
- Sir, I can’t stand this foul smell
- But Vito, (slap in the face) what am I suppose to do?
- I don’t know sir, I can’t think straight
- You were never straight you fat queen (slap)
- I know sir… but this smell is impairing my judgment
- Judgment, what judgment? (Slap) I told you not to let Hilda (the hippo) in the house… now she killed Tony the reindeer and the house smells like a fucking dumpster, you fatso!
- I know sir, but I had no choice! I was hungry!
- (Slap). Hungry? You were fucking horny!!! Don’t lie to me. I know what you were about to do! Now look at this kitchen!
- I’ll take care of it sir… I'll give Madame Help a call and she will clean it up!
- Who the hell is Madame Help?
- The made sir… remember? She is also known as “Socorro” or "Maria of the Socorro", I believe!
- (Slap)… She better come now, otherwise I’ll be forced to sell the house back… with you and this Zoo in it.
- I am sorry sir, but Michael is unable to take the house back at this moment!
- Whatever, (slap), I’ll sell it to Elton! And where is this Help woman?
- Well, she lives in Brazil, but I already sent the jet to pick her up.
- (Slap)… and what are we suppose to do for the next 15 hours?
- What if we barbecue Tony?
- Ok, I'll get the beer!