Scene: White Crown Victoria with red velvet interior parked in front of the Church of the Reborn (after renovations). Vito sitting in the driver’s sit as the Godfather walks out of the Church wearing a poka-doted black and white Armani suite, Manolo’s and a long blond wig.
- Vito (slap in the face). Wake up and open de door. Let’s get the hell out of here. I almost feel blessed. Yaiks!
- Yes Godfather.
- Vito!
- Yes Godfather
- I had a breakthrough!
- What do you mean Godfather?
- I realized that these were the most meaningless 2 and half hours of my life. It was overwhelming to hear the stupidity that comes out of ones mouth in the name of faith and religion but...
- But Godfather, was everything useless?
- Vito (slap in the back of the neck or pedal, Robinho!). Let me finish!
- Yes Godfather
- Vito, this was a cry for help. No one goes to Church anymore and they basically invited us to be a part of their community. They went on and on about family, God, Church, community and so forth, but the really interesting part was when this old man pulled a bottle of Stella and a can of Cristal from a bag.
- So there was a party in the end?
- Vito!
- Yes Godfather.
- (Another pedal, Robinho!). Shut up and listen you sorry excuse for a queen, I mean gangster!
- Yes Godfather.
- Well, he pulled the beer out of the bag to explain to us how to make a donation. He went on to say that if one drinks Stella he should donate more money than those who drink Cristal. Isn’t that something?
- Yes Godfather. And how much did you donate?
- Vito, (another pedal, Robinho!). Are you out of your mind? I did not make a donation, but I did steel the bottle of Stella. Did you remember to bring the ice?
- Yes Godfather.
- Vito! Lets go to the Malanzzagni´s house. I need some real people and some beer in me.
- Yes Godfather.
* The end *
P.S.: objects in mirror are closer than they appear = not everything you read here is a complete fabrication.
6 comentários:
Malanzzagni´s house, hahahahaha! Ótemo, sóumapergunta is that-your-new-car, sem pedala em mim viu.
que piada de mal gosto, né?
não o post. a Igreja...
Godfather, é só chegar aí que a gente providencia as stellas e um pouco mais de sarcasmo pra expurgar a américa católica.
que vexame, né meu?
S-E-N-S-A-C-I-O-N-A-L!! me inspirou a fazer minha versão, pois estou próximo de ter de passar pelo mesmo calvário
wa-ha-ha-ha #1: "pedal, Robinho!"...
wa-ha-ha-ha #2: "Armani, Manolo & wig"...
Genial! Eu voto pra isso virar um longa-postagem (sorry for the trocadile...).
Realmente... fechou a trilogia com chave de ouro - ao contrário da trilogia original. Quando desistir das vacas pode trabalhar comigo de novo com roteiros...
vito? (slap in the face), conheci seu apto novo hoje... hehehe... checkout my bologue...
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