- Vito!
- Yes Godfather… I am right here!
- Vito! I know… force of habit… VITO!!!
- Yes sir!
- Vito (slap in the face). Is everything ready for Friday’s play?
- Yes sir! All personnel is in place, Miss S. Bombomlazangny will be arriving at the theater moments before the second curtain call. Her manicure set was delivered without any issues.
- Manicure set? Is she planning on manicuring him to death?
- Or to bordome. But apparently she has enough stuff in that kit to blow us all to Kingdome come!
- Vito! (slap). As long as the job gets done, I don’t care if she cuts his hair, manicure him or extreme make over him… I just want it done! And what about Don Luv?
- Don Luv’s invite was delivered and RSVPed but he will be unaccompanied. Apparently Miss Anna has disappeared from their airplane on the way to India.
- Disappeared from an airplane?
- Yes sir. She was going over there to purchase a dalit child. Apparently she had a roach infestation.
- My God Vito… she was sucked by the… holy crap… I mean, literally.
- Yes sir. Tell me about it. That is the preferred topic of discussion at the ABSTA.
- ABSTA? What the fuck is that?
- Anorexics and bulimics that were sucked by the toilets anonymous.
- Well, I see… interesting that they are able to keep anonymity after such an event. But I did not know there was such an organization.
- Yes sir. There is… and they are pretty big. Whitney Huston and Michael Jackson are members. I mean, Michael was a member.
- Vito! (slap in the face) Isn’t it anonymous? Shut up and don’t mention any names!
- Yes sir…
- And Vito… (slap in the face). This is for microwaving my revenge to the point of a nuclear reaction. Remember: “less is more”.
- Yes Godfather.
- Yes Godfather.
3 comentários:
hahahaha... sensacional, as usual!
Don Luv's mistress has been downloaded through the flush??? amazing! haha...
and we need to take good care with mrs bombomlanzagni and her manicure kit. she can "manicure someone to death"...rsrs... oh, boy...
Agora sim! Aquele papo de ingenuidade, simplicidade e o caralho já tava dando gastura...
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